Hand Sanitizer Gel (white)
Hand Sanitizer Liquid (Blue)
**Hand Sanitizer ready to use.
** Table top use for sanitizing hand
** Ready to use. It is a hygiene hand sanitizer & cleaner without use of water. 99.9% effective
** against most common illness germs that are transmitted by hands.
Two things to be aware of when using hand sanitizer:
With that in mind, here are some tips for using hand sanitizer effectively.
According to the
It can also help destroy a wide range of disease-causing agents or pathogens on your hands, including the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.
However, even the best alcohol-based hand sanitizers have limitations and don’t eliminate all types of germs.
According to the CDC, hand sanitizers won’t get rid of potentially harmful chemicals. It’s also not effective at killing the following germs:
Also, a hand sanitizer may not work well if your hands are visibly dirty or greasy. This may happen after working with food, doing yard work, gardening, or playing a sport.
If your hands look dirty or slimy, opt for handwashing instead of a hand sanitizer